Where Are They Now?

rem·nant n. 1. Something left over; a remainder. 2. A piece of fabric remaining after the rest has been used or sold. 3. A surviving trace or vestige: a remnant of his past glory. 4. A small surviving group of people. "Unless the LORD of hosts had left to us a very small remnant, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been made like Gomorrah" - Isaiah 1:9 (KJV)
Remnant...Thanks for the update on Mike Day. It's good to know where he showed-up after NAMB. I wish you had a better picture of him. Actually,I wish he had a better face. I understand that Grace Atchley is keeping tabs on Mike as his Executive Assistant at MSBA. I also hear that Sharon Hewitt is the Financial Assistant at MSBA, Lucy Welch works there part-time handling mailings, etc., and Jack Child's serves on the Finance Committee. Geneva Angle has even been seen helping with special projects from time-to-time. Seems at least part of the remnant is still at work in Memphis!
Sounds to me like Mike is trying to re-assemble the old B'hood team in Memphis! :-)
I think you look pretty good, Mike, considering what the photographer had to work with! Sounds like dropping into your office is something akin to a reunion. Is the coffee pot on? The door open?
Mary, as always looks fabulous! One could make a case that running her photo next to Mike's is something of a high and low.
(I'm going to quit now before Mike gets even.)
Door is usually open...coffee pot always on...yep, even for those who are disrespectful of those of us who have not aged so well. Hope to see you soon Bill.
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