The Brotherhood Remnant

rem·nant n. 1. Something left over; a remainder. 2. A piece of fabric remaining after the rest has been used or sold. 3. A surviving trace or vestige: a remnant of his past glory. 4. A small surviving group of people. "Unless the LORD of hosts had left to us a very small remnant, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been made like Gomorrah" - Isaiah 1:9 (KJV)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Profile: Darrell C. Richardson

From Brotherhood archives...
If Dr. Darrell C. Richardson could be transformed into a talking doll, his first words would probably be, "Me Tarzan, you Jane."

The Memphian, acknowledged as the world's greatest authority on the writings of Edgar Rice Burroughs, made Tarzan his hero even before he picked Jesus as a permanent life-model. "That's the first declaration I made to the athletes at Furman College (in Greenville, S.C.) after my arrival there on scholarship. Fellows, I told them, I have tow heroes -- Tarzan and Jesus of Nazareth."

Dr. Richardson is so saturated with "Tarzanosophy," it is a simple matter to picture him as the real-life manifestation of Burroughs' famous jungle man. The retired Baptist minister, editor of publications for the Brotherhood Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, no longer has the litheness of youth. But he's still a big, strong man, impressive in the bush clothes he wears. Read the entire article

Editor's Note: If you have information about Darrell Richardson or his family, please share it.


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