The Brotherhood Remnant

rem·nant n. 1. Something left over; a remainder. 2. A piece of fabric remaining after the rest has been used or sold. 3. A surviving trace or vestige: a remnant of his past glory. 4. A small surviving group of people. "Unless the LORD of hosts had left to us a very small remnant, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been made like Gomorrah" - Isaiah 1:9 (KJV)

Monday, March 06, 2006

Trustees Salute Brotherhood Achievements

From Baptist Press archives...
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (BP)--State convention Brotherhood leaders paid tribute to the prominent "markers" in almost 90 years of Brotherhood Commission history during the final Brotherhood Leadership Conference Jan. 30-Feb. 1 (1997) in Memphis, Tenn.

The leaders, meanwhile, discussed the future of their work in a Southern Baptist Convention that, by the end of June, no longer will have Brotherhood as a separate agency.

Brotherhood President James D. Williams told the state workers, "... it's time to complete the 'grief work' over the dissolution of the Brotherhood Commission," exhorting them to "let your allegiance to Christ, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, give you a spirit of adaptation and change to the new SBC organization." Read the entire article.


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